Embark on a whimsical journey with our enchanting “Wonderland Adventures Scrapbook Paper“! This magical book features 36 double-sided sheets, perfect for junk journals, mixed media collage, origami, and various DIY craft projects. Featuring:
- 36 Double-Sided Sheets: Offering versatility and endless creative possibilities, each sheet ...is adorned with captivating Wonderland-inspired designs on both sides.
- Size: Large format 8.5 x 8.5 inches provides ample space for crafting and designing.
- High-Quality Full-color designs with whimsical illustrations that transport you to a fantastical world of imagination and creativity, ideal for scrapbooking, crafting, and DIY projects.
- Each pack contains multiple sheets, offering endless possibilities for creative expression.
- Perfect for junk journals, mixed media collage, origami, cards, gifts, or any other craft projects that your imagination can dream up.